Event Marketing
Co-founder, Director, Chief Marketing Officer, Creative Director, Event Manager, Custodian
Bringing the community together to share ideas and support through dinners, interactive events and parades.
Cofounding a non-profit with my wife has been the most rewarding and challenging work of my life. The comical list of roles that I listed above is reflective of the organization's structure that never grew bigger than the two of us supported by a handful of dedicated volunteers. I collaboratively led the projects through all stages of development, production and post-production—working with my wife to ensure faithful execution, quality, and brand consistency along the way.
We both maintained full time jobs during the life of the initiatives and never considered building it into a sustainable model that could support a salary. We also respected that we would not be able to maintain our sanity and be able to devote our full support to our newborn daughter. We retired the project upon her birth and I switched careers to stay-at-home dad.

Sprout: Meal Based Microganting
My wife and I founded a local chapter of Sunday Soup, a meal based micro-granting dinner. We grew the program into a non-profit receiving fiscal sponsorship by the Rio Grande Community Development Corporation. We held 4 dinners and raised over $7,000 benefitting 12 initiatives in Albuquerque.

A/WAY: Innovative Events
We expanded our non-profit to create more community building programs. We led hackathons, created immersive interactive art installations and created dynamic audience experiences for conferences.

Junkado Parade
An initiative of A/WAY, this people powered performance parade with a prize was held in collaboration with the annual earth day celebration at La Montinita Co-op.
Multiple community groups celebrated in costume down bicycle boulevard and competed for a micro-grant for local community groups.
A case study in decentralized cooperative community building, event marketing and collective publishing & workshopping.
Event Marketing

The Burque.org project began with an opportunity to activate a network of over 40 underutilized indoor advertising locations throughout the city of Albuquerque. I worked with Beth Arnold of Mixed Greens Design and Kemper Barkhurst of Rio Grande Community Farm to create a robust monthly calendar packed with events, activities and promotions. After 6 months breaking even on printing costs we realized we were more passionate about community organizing and design than selling event blocks.

Collective Marketing & Workshopping

Attempting to create a collective of passionate community advocates, I continued to grow our Burque.org community to improve collaboration amongst creatives and amplify our voice. We shared our passions through social media and at monthly themed workshops at the former ArtBar.
Cooperative Community Building

At the height of our collaboration our loose collective ran a sold out TEDxABQ Salon promoting community at the Albuquerque Museum. Working with 6 community leaders, Leila Salim and I created a dynamic program in under a month that showcased initiatives in art, education, farming and biking.
A tribute to a local hero by our members.